

DIGITAL CORE SERVICE Co., LTD. is a company 100% owned by FASOTEC Holdings.It was established on April 2015 with system engineers from FASOTEC and focuses onCAD/CAM/CAE/PDM technical services.


The company succeeded from FASOTEC that over 30 years development experiencein numerical control machine post processor and over 15 years CAA software solutionsfor CATIA users.

Evolve customer’s PLM environment.

With a variety of knowledge of CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM customization and integration,we provide sophisticated solutions for complicated company manufacturing processesand evolve customer’s PLM environment.

“Core” Services on Complex Syst



Global PLM Integration

We provide a next-generation PLM system that visualizes all information in manufacturing and enables all concerned to work concurrently and collaborate.

  • ファソテック・ホールディングス株式会社
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  • FASOTEC JIANGDAはCATIAのサポートを行っているソリューションプロバイダです
  • FasoLab(ファソラボ)手術トレーニング | Surgical Training | ファソテック

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